Sole Proprietorships

A sole proprietorship, also known as the sole trader, individual entrepreneurship or proprietorship, is a type of enterprise that is owned and run by one person and in which there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business entity.

A sole proprietorship is the simplest form of business, as the name suggests you are going to be the sole owner of a business which means you are fully responsible for all debts and obligation for your business. At the same time, you can keep all the profits too. However, creditors can make a claim against your personal and business asset.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Sole Proprietorships.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Sole Proprietorships


  • Easy and inexpensive to set up.
  • Less paperwork compares to incorporation.
  • More control over decision making.
  • If the business is not doing well, you can deduct your losses from personal income
  • You got to keep all your profit.


  • The biggest disadvantage is an unlimited liability, which means the creditor can make a claim against your personal assets.
  • Another disadvantage is your income is taxable at a personal rate.
  • Capital is difficult to raise
  • Continuity is another issue with sole proprietorships, that is your business will stop if you are not working.

Let's Work Together!

If you love your next generation, get a business, not a job.


5800 Ambler Drive, Suite 210, Mississauga, ON, L4W 4J4 Canada

+1 (647) 831 7509